General formatting guidelines for the papers included in the Eminescian Studies journal
The text of the paper should be written in TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 pt. character size, line spacing 1, WITH DIACRITICS.
The header will include the email address of the author.
The author’s first name, name, city, and year of study will be mentioned in the upper right-hand corner, before the title of the paper: (Irina Popescu, Bucureşti, Anul I).
The name, the title and subtitles, as well as the bibliography will be written in normal case (NOT IN UPPERCASE).
Any references will be made by using IN-TEXT CITATION that must include THE AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, YEAR OF PUBLICATION, and THE PAGE NUMBER(S): (Călinescu, 1969: 123), (Ibidem: 146) etc.
Footnotes should ONLY be used for comments, nuanced explanations etc. If you make any references to an author in the footnote, you should use the same referencing style – for example: (cf. Lovinescu, 1983: 223-233). Footnotes should always end with a full stop.
To indicate the titles of Eminescu’s literary works use bold+italic: (Luceafărul, Memento mori). If you want to quote more than one line from a poem, use a forward slash between each line: „Ce şopteşti atît de tainic,/Tu izvor de cînturi dulci?”
The bibliography should have the following structure: FIRST NAME, NAME, YEAR OF PUBLICATION, TITLE, EDITION, TRANSLATION (if applicable), PUBLISHING HOUSE, and THE PLACE OF PUBLICATION: Mariana Neţ, 1989, O poetică a atmosferei, Editura Univers, Bucureşti.
At the end of the paper, you should include, in English, the title of the paper, an abstract of about 10 to 15 lines, and 5 keywords.