Eminescian Studies. The “Mihai Eminescu” National Student Colloquium Notebooks
Nr. 17 (27)/2020
Nr. 16 (26)/2019
Nr. 15 (25)/2018
Nr. 14 (24)/2017
Nr. 13 (23)/2016
Nr. 12 (22)/2015
Nr. 11 (21)/2014
Nr. 10 (20)/2013
Nr. 9 (19)/2012
Nr. 8 (18)/2011
Nr. 7 (17)/2010
Nr. 6 (16)/2009
Nr. 5 (15)/2008
Nr. 4 (14)/2007
Nr. 3 (13)/2006
Nr. 2 (12)/2005
Nr. 1 (11)/2004
This publication was founded in 1980 by prof. Dumitru Irimia, under the name The Eminescu Notebooks and, since 2004, it is known as Eminescian Studies.
It is an annual, open-access journal that contains most of the papers authored by the students who presented their research at the “Mihai Eminescu” National Student Colloquium that is organized each year by the Faculty of Letters of the University of Iași, at the end of May.
The volume Eminescian Studies. The “Mihai Eminescu” National Student Colloquium Notebooks is coordinated by prof. dr. Lăcrămioara Petrescu, edited by lect. dr. Ilie Moisuc and it is published by the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press of Iași, ISSN: 1584-692X.
The overall structure of this publication follows the format of the Colloquium.
The first part of the journal is reserved for the opening lecture, that, over the years has been delivered by important figures of the current cultural field and Eminescology: Elvira Sorohan, Eminescu şi Kant (2005) and Visul nemuririi în cugetarea eminesciană (2010), Ştefan Afloroaei, Eminescu. Memorie şi spaţiu intermundiar (2006), Dumitru Irimia, Eminescu şi „Convorbiri literare” (2007) and Adevărul – între cuvîntul biblic şi cuvîntul poetic (2009), Ioana Bican, Alegoriile iubirii în poezia eminesciană (2008) and Un poet pentru secolul XXI: Mihai Eminescu (2012), Un romancier la 1870: Mihai Eminescu (2019) Iulian Costache, Este cu putinţă relectura scriitorilor supra canonici? (2011), Gisèle Vanhese, Luceafărul d’Eminescu. Un fils de la Nuit romantique (2013) and « Proximité du visage ». Sur un portrait d’Eminescu (2015), Călin Teutişan, Eminescu şi faliile imaginarului crepuscular (2016), Angelo Mitchievici, Imaginea geniului: Eminescu şi arta plastică (2017), Giovanni Magliocco, Prin materie spre absolut. Mihai Eminescu şi imaginarul mineral (2018), Pompiliu Crăciunescu, Imagini din "patria vieţii" (2020).
The peer-review procedure is conducted by the members of the judging committees for each section of the Colloquium. The papers selected for publication are distributed in four sections: I. Exegesis, II. The Critique of Criticism/ Cultural Studies, III. Stylistics and Poetics and IV. Journalistic activity, Notes, Correspondence.